welome to my website!

it's a huuuge work in progress! i'm learning html/css/javascript as i go!

rough asl update log

[12.17.24] removed several elemenets, added to-do list, buttons, empty directory, tomonotchi
[12.16.24] changed site name, added update log, added a blank webpage, moved everything to vscode

rough asl to-do list

  • update yt playlist
  • add site directory
  • add personal blog
  • add
youtube version fuck spotify fr!!
It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

check back soon!

button that says 'completely hand-coded' button that says vscode button that says 'made with macos' button that says 'get firefox, safer, better, faster, the browser you can trust button that says 'anarchy now' button that says no nazis, no fascism, no racism