welome to my website! excuse the mess, it is under construction!

the webmaster

gif of a moth flying next to an oil lamp


rough asl update log

[12.19.24] added stickers, moved around some elements, added status box on blog
[12.18.24] added some buttons, a blog icon, youtube embedded link, changed font and color scheme, added about site box and about webmaster box on blog
[12.17.24] removed several elemenets, added to-do list, buttons, empty directory, tomonotchi
[12.16.24] changed site name, added update log, added a blank webpage, moved everything to vscode

rough asl to-do list

  • update yt playlist
  • add items to site directory
  • add media log to personal blog
  • add lps collection/wishlist/cd collection to personal blog
  • add stamps to personal blog
  • make more detailed credits page
  • add link to furby stickerPU

about the site

vermin voltage is the name of this website. and maybe the name of a future music project! if you somehow happen to find this website, please excuse the mess! like it says, i'm learning how to code as i go along. please feel free to look around (or take a look at my code and help me out!!)

check out my current favorite song!

check back soon!

a pink button that says 'neocities the web is yours' button that says 'completely hand-coded' button that says vscode button that says 'made with macos' button that says 'get firefox, safer, better, faster, the browser you can trust button that says 'anarchy now' button that says no nazis, no fascism, no racism button that says 'from the river to the sea palestine will be free'
collection of insect stickers